Clear Your Auric Field
Sometimes stuff gets into our auric fields. The auric field is the energy field that emanates from our physical bodies. What is in other people’s energy fields can sometimes interfere with our fields. Their vibrational stuff can get jumbled, stuck, or tangled in with our vibrational stuff.
When someone gives you a snarky look or says something critical to you, their vibration interferes with yours and temporarily, you may feel kind of crummy. Or, you may feel crummy for quite awhile, until you get some air, or take a shower, after which you start to feel more like yourself.
When we’re feeling out of sorts, we may be dealing with someone else’s vibrational stuff that has gotten tangled up in ours. Taking a warm salt bath or sun bath can clear our auric field of the stuff that doesn’t belong to us. While bathing or sunning, we can visualize all foreign vibrations leaving our field and disappearing down the bathroom drain or being absorbed by the rays of the sun. We can redefine our vibrational boundaries and make clear what we will accept in our auric field. Practice clearing out your auric field every now and then to feel better.
Photo Credit: Rodolfo Sanches Carvalho @rsanchescarvalho