The Energy of Things
All things have energy and when we look around at our stuff we can recognize the good feeling we get from a painting we love, a grouping of family photos, or a beloved heirloom. But what about the other stuff? What about the clothes in our closet or the food in our fridge, or the car we drive? Do these things have good energy or bad?
If your t-shirt was made in a sweatshop, does it have good energy? If underpaid, abused workers harvested your bananas, are those bananas a little low on good vibes? If your cell phone was made with materials that caused environmental pollution does that phone feel good? Unseen energy does affect us.
A few lower energy things in our environment may not affect our lives that much, but when we accumulate a lot of these items we have to wonder about their energetic effect. What kind of energy is coming with the things we buy and use in our homes and businesses, and is that energy affecting our mental state or physical health?
Getting more conscious about the kinds of energy we bring into our homes and offices can help us live and work more consciously. Buying our things from sources that respect and protect people and the environment can improve the kind of energy that we bring into our homes. If we’re not sure what kind of energy comes with our things we can do some research to find out more and use that information to make great choices for ourselves and our loved ones.
Photo credit: Giulia Bertelli @unpeausauvage