The Bagua

The Bagua is an imaginary map that can be placed over the footprint of physical spaces like a house, a room, or even the top of a desk. Every area of this map resonates with the energy of a particular area of your life, like your finances, or your relationships. Use the map to determine where these life areas are located in your home or other physical spaces. If you need help send me an email.

Chi Enhancers

Chi is the Chinese word for energy. Everything has energy and all energy is connected. Based on this principle we can create better energy in our homes and businesses by strategically using color, physical objects, and symbols to support our goals and aspirations. These objects and symbols are not only visible reminders of our intentions but energetic drivers to help intentions become reality.

Getting Rid of Clutter

Many of us deal with clutter and we know it affects the way we live. This handy tip sheet helps explain what clutter is and why it might be a good idea to get rid of it. Sometimes clearing clutter on your own can be challenging. If you need extra support, let me know. Purging can be life-changing and uplifting. Beneficial change may be as easy as throwing something away.

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