Clothes and Dishes

Clothes and Dishes

During a reading for a client, I was reminded of the significance of the energy of things in our living spaces. My client had been feeling unsettled, was having disturbing thoughts, and was experiencing increasing anxiety. Along with other suggestions, my guides pointed out that an energy clearing in the home would be very beneficial, especially around “clothes and dishes.” I thought that the focus on “clothes and dishes” was so curious, but after mentioning this to my client, she said that the majority of her wardrobe came from consignment shops; and she did dress quite stylishly. Her china closet and shelves were stacked with estate sale dishes, china, and glassware. Shopping at consignment shops and estate sales are a great enjoyment for her.

I’m a big proponent of reusing, recycling, and up-cycling, all of which keeps useful items out of the landfill. However, items that belonged to others come with the energy of others. I’ve always recommended that antiques be energetically cleared before we bring them into our homes. It seems that it’s a good idea to do the same for second-hand clothing and estate items like dishes and furniture, and in particular jewelry which typically has been in direct physical contact with an individual for longer time frames.

Possessions that have been used regularly and for extended periods of time carry the energy of those who owned, used, and treasured them. A few of these possessions in our home may be fine, but large collections of possessions that once belonged to others can create an unsettled or uncomfortable living space. You can create a more relaxed and supportive environment by clearing these items before bringing them into your home. Put the items outdoors in the sunlight for an entire day, wipe them down with salt water or lemon water. Picture their energetic imprints being released and absorbed into pure white light. This allows you and your newfound treasure to start fresh with past history at peace and future history that is truly yours.

Send Your Love Before You

Send Your Love Before You

Marianne Williamson, American spiritual teacher, author, and lecturer, often says, “Wherever you go, send your love before you.” It’s a statement that reminds us how much our state of mind, which is a state of energy, can affect what we experience.

If we walk into a meeting with something to prove, or enter a negotiation with a chip on our shoulder, or if we’re certain that a blind date will be boring and a waste of time, then we’re more likely to experience something close to what we’ve envisioned. Viewing the world through a particular attitudinal lens, we end up seeing what we believe. If we’d prefer to see something different, something happier, or with better outcomes, then shifting our attitude beforehand may help.

Every kind of experience is out there for the taking, the good and the bad. But approaching the world through the lens of love may help us achieve life experiences that are more supportive, kind, and loving. Try approaching your day, your next meeting, or negotiation with the expectation that good will be done for all parties. If you believe it, you’re more likely to see what has always been there for the taking.

Photo credit: Chungkuk Bae @zzbe
Clear Your Auric Field

Clear Your Auric Field

Sometimes stuff gets into our auric fields. The auric field is the energy field that emanates from our physical bodies. What is in other people’s energy fields can sometimes interfere with our fields. Their vibrational stuff can get jumbled, stuck, or tangled in with our vibrational stuff.

When someone gives you a snarky look or says something critical to you, their vibration interferes with yours and temporarily, you may feel kind of crummy. Or, you may feel crummy for quite awhile, until you get some air, or take a shower, after which you start to feel more like yourself.

When we’re feeling out of sorts, we may be dealing with someone else’s vibrational stuff that has gotten tangled up in ours. Taking a warm salt bath or sun bath can clear our auric field of the stuff that doesn’t belong to us. While bathing or sunning, we can visualize all foreign vibrations leaving our field and disappearing down the bathroom drain or being absorbed by the rays of the sun. We can redefine our vibrational boundaries and make clear what we will accept in our auric field. Practice clearing out your auric field every now and then to feel better.

Photo Credit: Rodolfo Sanches Carvalho @rsanchescarvalho

The Energy of Things

The Energy of Things

All things have energy and when we look around at our stuff we can recognize the good feeling we get from a painting we love, a grouping of family photos, or a beloved heirloom. But what about the other stuff? What about the clothes in our closet or the food in our fridge, or the car we drive? Do these things have good energy or bad?

If your t-shirt was made in a sweatshop, does it have good energy? If underpaid, abused workers harvested your bananas, are those bananas a little low on good vibes? If your cell phone was made with materials that caused environmental pollution does that phone feel good? Unseen energy does affect us.

A few lower energy things in our environment may not affect our lives that much, but when we accumulate a lot of these items we have to wonder about their energetic effect. What kind of energy is coming with the things we buy and use in our homes and businesses, and is that energy affecting our mental state or physical health?

Getting more conscious about the kinds of energy we bring into our homes and offices can help us live and work more consciously. Buying our things from sources that respect and protect people and the environment can improve the kind of energy that we bring into our homes. If we’re not sure what kind of energy comes with our things we can do some research to find out more and use that information to make great choices for ourselves and our loved ones.  

Photo credit: Giulia Bertelli @unpeausauvage

Flying on Planes

Flying on Planes

Often after taking a flight, even a short one, we can feel tired, irritated, or sometimes we even get sick. The poor air quality and cramped quarters can make us feel crummy but they also create an environment where our energy fields get tangled up with the energy fields of lots of other people. These people may be stressed, anxious, excited, exhausted or feeling perfectly fine. But mixing energy fields with lots of other people in close quarters can be a drain on our energetic boundaries.

When you’ve got your carry-on stowed and are all buckled in, breathe slowly and consciously, and energetically define your boundaries. Picture a beautiful. heavenly bubble surrounding you and filling you with peace, comfort, and protective goodness. You’ll feel better after your flight because you’ve prevented other people’s stuff from messing with your energy field.

Photo credit: Suhyeon Choi @Choisyeon