Energy Clearing for Clarity and Change

space clearing • intuitive readings • contemporary feng shui • clutter clearing

Need help making a decision?  Having a bad patch?  Need a new life direction? Struggling with clutter? Need to improve your business? Can’t get to sleep?

“I am sure you’re a bonafide magical good witch. You said something that required a deep sense of commitment and courage on my part which I intently did, and it didn’t take any time at all for things to turn around for me.”

C.K. – physical therapist

space clearing photo

Space Clearing

Shifting negative energy in physical spaces to promote health, healing, and aspirational progress for individuals, families, and workforces

lit candle

Intuitive Readings

Providing actionable steps and inspiration to support personal growth, healing, and aspirations from the perspective of Source/Spirit

organized closet

Contemporary Feng Shui and Clutter Clearing

Applying innovative techniques based on Feng Shui principles to promote health, prosperity, and peace in living and working spaces

Be focused. Be calm. Be inspired.

Have questions? Need an appointment?

Send your message and I’ll get back to you asap. Thank you!

“Patricia is our ‘go-to’ when we have a stuck or stale listing, nor would I personally purchase a property without her energy read and/or clearing.”

J.W. – real estate broker